Short Humor
Michael and Andy's short humor and fiction has appeared in the Weekly Humorist, McSweeney's Internet Tendency, Vulture, Points in Case, National Lampoon, Public House, and Crack the Spine. See the links below to read some of the highlights.
"A Day in the Life of Carter Page" (McSweeney's Internet Tendency)
"The One Where Everything's 2018" (McSweeney's Internet Tendency)
"A Taste of Honeypot: One Senator's Night with Maria Butina" (Weekly Humorist)
"The Soul Child, the Poet, and the Bedford-Stuyvesant Y" (Weekly Humorist)
"‘You'll Want to Learn Guitar Immediately,’ and Other Fatherly Advice” (Points in Case)
“Jesus of Nazareth Goes to Therapy” (Weekly Humorist)
"The Spy Who Came in from the Access Hollywood Bus" (Weekly Humorist, first run: National Lampoon)
"Paul Manafort’s 7 Keys to a More Deliberate Life" (Weekly Humorist)
“The Admissions Committee on Reincarnated Souls (ACORS)” (Weekly Humorist)
"Honest New York Times Wedding Announcements" (Weekly Humorist)